About Us
Our Mission
Since 2017, the Forum for American Leadership (FAL) has brought together the leaders of the conservative national security movement.
We advance America’s role as an active global leader and defender of liberty with a strong military and proudly pro-free and fair trade agenda.
What We Do
FAL arms policymakers and candidates with the analysis and recommendations they need to advance conservative foreign policy in Congress, the campaign trail, and the media.
FAL convenes the conservative foreign policy community to share ideas, mentor the next generation of leaders, and develop policy for a 21st century agenda. FAL’s policy documents are the output of several subject-matter focused working groups led by senior experts and practitioners in their field.
Our community holds diverse policy views united by a strong, shared commitment to advance American strength, and the content of each working groups’ analysis and recommendations is not necessarily shared by all of FAL’s members.
Executive Board
Michael Allen
Roger Zakheim
Jonathan Burks
Daniel Fata
Eric Lorber
Amb. Kristen Silverberg
Senior Advisor